
The Skilled Labor Battle: Trade School Vs. College


How can young people obtain a secondary education that will provide them with a good standard of living but not cripple them in debt? Whether you call it trade school, vocational school or career and technical education (CTE), these learning institutions can teach young people the skills and training they need to enter a career with financial stability, such as plumbing, HVACR or electrical. These jobs are fairly recession-proof and cannot be outsourced overseas. […]

The Skilled Labor Battle: Trade School Vs. College2023-01-17T16:50:52+00:00



Graybar is nationally recognized electrical supply distributor who has recently committed to supporting the training of our apprentices at Universal Academy. As the picture illustrates, Universal Academy Apprentices will continue to have access to the necessary tools and safety equipment required to properly train our next generation of electricians. Graybar's commitment to supplying the best tools, material, and safety equipment necessary for today's jobsites perfectly align with our dedication to providing the best learning environment for our apprentices. Universal Academy is proud to welcome Graybar into our now growing list of supporters, and we look forward to growing this great [...]


Signing Day


2019 Apprentice Signing Day Proud to announce our new apprentices to the electrical trade. These men and women have taken the positive step toward becoming a journey person in the electrical trade by enrolling in a certified 4 year training program.

Signing Day2020-01-31T15:30:46+00:00



Ideal throws its support behind Universal Academy Ideal Industries proudly shows its support for Universal Academy by donating close to $1000.00 worth of tools for Apprenticeship Training. Way to go Ideal! -

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